ABC has green lit Lucky 13, a new game show show featuring hosts Shaquille O’Neal and Gina Rodriguez, with Kevin Bacon serving as executive producer. Produced by Studio 1, headed by Adrian Woolfe, one of the original minds behind Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?, the series challenges contestants with 13 true-or-false trivia questions. However, there’s a twist: contestants must gauge not only their knowledge but also their awareness of what they don’t know. Successfully predicting their performance on all 13 questions could earn them a $1 million jackpot. Woolfe, the creator of the show, will also act as showrunner, with filming slated to begin June 2024.
Joining Bacon in executive producing are Mark Wells, Glenn Coomber, Aaron Stone, Alastair Burlingham, Gary Raskin, David Schiff, Scott Henry, and GW Wright. O’Neal will also serve as an executive producer through Jersey Legends Productions, alongside Colin Smeeton and Michael Parris, while Gina Rodriguez will executive produce through her company, I Can & I Will Productions.
The series is set to debut this summer on the Disney-owned network and stream on Hulu.